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Creative Writing

Before I was a science writer, I was a creative writer. Despite my persisting devotion to communicate about science, I will always believe in the importance of storytelling. My short fiction and poetry can be found in numerous journals and anthologies. In addition to my publications, I was the recipient of the Thelma Hall Prize in Creative Writing at the 2017 Alpha Chi National Convention for my short story "Yellow."


I received my Bachelor of Arts degree in English - Creative Writing from the University of Arkansas at Monticello. I took courses in short fiction, contemporary fiction, poetry, comic writing, fan-fiction and licensed fiction, American literature, world literature, Russian literature, linguistics and language studies, visual rhetoric, technical writing, communication/journalism writing, case study writing, and advanced grammar.


I was the recipient of the Mary Claire Buffalo Scholarship my junior and senior years of my undergraduate career, which allowed me to serve as the associate editor a scholarly journal called The Philological Review. I assisted in the publication process of editing of the accepted submissions. I also served as a student editor for Foliate Oak Literary Magazine, which required submission decisions, communication with submitting writers, formatting accepted submissions for publication on the website, and providing detailed reports to other editors about the strengths and weaknesses of the submissions. I will begin a two-year term as a contributing editor for The Science Writer this Fall.


I have continued my editorial career as a freelance writer, editor, and consultant since 2015. These projects include fiction books, short stories, memoirs, dissertations, academic papers, and others. Many of these projects have gone on to publication.

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